Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lunch Meat Bologna Breakfast

This idea for a great breakfast meal came from my hubby; its a Bologna omelet and cinnamon toast. It's a fairly easy recipe and some what economical.

What you will need:

3 eggs
Bologna cut up
Whole ripe tomato sliced/diced up
pepper jack cheese
cheddar cheese

Be sure to add non-stick spray to your frying pan heat on medium heat; mix eggs and about one large tablespoon of water/to about one and 1/2 tablespoon of water to eggs. Swirl the frying pan just to spread egg around evenly, to make omelet. Add cut lunch meat cheeses, salt, pepper and finally add tomatoes lastly. Fold over to finish making omelet. Serve with extra fresh diced tomatoes on top and sprinkle a little cheese.
Toast bread in toaster and a small amount of butter to toast sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
This is a good warm breakfast for anytime or for a Sunday brunch breakfast and what makes it economical is the bologna, it's a good way to use up that left over lunch meat just sitting around.

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