This will be my store officially where you all can purchase my hand made items. In that blog I will just have a short introduction to an item I am adding and I have given the blog a bit of new look and I think it came out pretty interesting so I hope you will check it out.
I am planning on keeping It's Just Frankly Kute pretty much the same with and intro to a new product into the store blog, hope this is making some sense. I still plan on sharing ideas, crafting, recipes and what ever else that comes along I just wanted to share the great news about the fresh new changes for a new beginning.
I have added a new product to It's Just Krazy Kute Productions
The new product is called "The Strangest Puffy Cat. I created this animal from an old pattern but the pattern was for a very small animal and so I enlarged it and made it my own with various characters. I will be adding some of these that will be designed for smaller children, this one is not for small kids. I used fiber fill, a cotton quilting fabric for the body. I also did some staining to make the animal appeared aged slightly and there is a bit of hand stitching done with the nose and missing eye. Yes he is just like the little bear I have talked about, I just happened to love this fabric and the look one get with it that I had to design another animal out of it.