Well I finally started these and wanted to share them with you, they are not quite finished but you can do this recipe very quickly and add what ever color frosting you would like to these witch hats.
This year I went with the striped kisses just because I thought they looked pretty cool.
What you will need is Keebler short bread cookies that one can find easily in the store, I would buy several containers, depending on family size ; in my family these go super fast.
Then get a bag of chocolate kisses or the stripped ones and some chocolate frosting and a tube of the green, orange frosting for making the bows.
When you get home just flip the cookies over and and spread a small amount of chocolate frosting around the hole of the cookie, because you want the kiss to stick to the top.
Now take the tube frosting of either orange or green and draw a small line around the bottom where the kiss meets the cookie and then draw 2 small loops and then a dab of green in the center of the loops as to indicate a knot, do this with all the cookies and kisses, you can even mix it up with the stripes and just straight chocolate kisses, it is a very simple and quick idea for the last minute Halloween treat.
I have added the frosting just not the bows to these pictures, thought everyone could just use imagination and the bow is very simple to do and looks great not matter what. Sorry everyone that's hole not whole and just dab a bit of chocolate frosting around the hole then at the base of the kiss add the orange or green frosting in these photos I have not done that.