I did this butterfly just out of silly thinking and dreaming of what I thought an aged butterfly should look like. There was no patters used for this just some free hand drawing
First I used muslin for the body of the butterfly and stained it with a washed out black and browns and a touch of red. I baked it in my oven at 200 degrees until it was dry.
Next with a sewing pencil or washable marker I drew out a bit of a bone shape making one end of the bone shape larger because this will be the head of the butterfly. I cut out 2 pieces and sewed the eyes on and painted the nose on with acrylic paints and let that dry for a day. Then I sewed all around the body making a small slit in the back for adding the fiber fill.
I found some wonderful fabric that was a mixture of cotton and acrylic fabric, and I just drew out the shape of the wings onto the fabric using a white sewing pencil and then I cut out the wings and stained them with a brown walnut stain and once again baked the fabric at 200 degrees. I better mention I cut out 2 sets of wings and sewed them together being sure to leave an opening to turn the fabric.
I then gathered the wings in the center with a running stitch and sewed them to the back of the butterfly covering up the slit in the back.
Finally I used a bit of fishing line for the top of the butterfly by just sewing the line through the fabric and knotting.