Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Three Favorite Men

This morning, I was pondering my thoughts with Father's Day only a day away. I then thought I need to share the most three favorite men in my life. These men are hero's but not in the normal sense one thinks of a hero.
They are hero's in the sense that they have come through many trials, bumps bruises and endured.
First there is my amazing husband, who works endless hours in a dangerous job. To make sure that I , and our children have a wonderful home and all we need. We together have come through so much and he manges to have a positive outlook, stating to me " it can always be much worse". I am so thankful for him, he pulled me through a difficult time when we lost our home to fire and lost everything in 1999. He never lost hope, keeping me and our children strong and encouraged about the the future. Even when there were obstacles thrown in the way of rebuilding again.
He is truly brave in the job is does, it is a dangerous one. He is a Mule Train Log Truck Driver. Everyday is a risk in his work. He rises in the wee hours of the morning to travel treacherous roads to obtain logs. Just the other day I said a silent pray as he shared his tale of having to be pulled up a steep mountain side by a large cat. Because it was so steep and muddy. About three years ago one of my worse fears cam true. It was a message asking me to come to the hospital, my husband had been in a head on accident. I was in a panic the entire time wondering what I would find at the hospital. But when I got there I breathed a sigh of relief. He had only minor injuries. I know it was tough on him to be the one to survive, to be left behind. He tried so hard never to let us see, but I did. He has kept us strong will the love he has for us and I see it everyday in his eyes.
My dad is truly outstanding, his heart is light and a delight. He will offer help to anyone who needs it with a sense of humor. Growing up and to this day I cannot think of any person who did not like my dad. He has to be the most liked man, he can befriend just about anyone. I strive to be like him, to not let little things bother me, to laugh and make the most of things. My dad even jokes and as a sense of humor about the time of his horrible accident. In fact you would not believe the things he has lived through, a car falling on his head, falling off a roof . It's truly amazing that he lived through a car Saab falling on his head. It was one of those times you often hear about people having a amazing feats of strength Well he was one of them. He had the Saab on jacks and as he was under the car one of the jacks fell. Some how he was able to lift the entire car off and pull himself out, get up and walk outside of the garage and fall to the ground in the front yard. Today this day he makes jokes about it, as it were a light hearted conversation. He joke is we have to refer to things as BS ( Before Saab) AS (After Saab) when we talk about things of long ago as some of his memory is lost, and yet he can joke about it.
He is most of all a wonderful grandfather, he is the apple of my sons eye, a hero to my son. He is also a great grandfather an idle to his great grand daughter. He is my hero in every sense. I hope that I can have the faith and humor he has.
Now on to my Uncle, to him...
There is not a day I do not miss you, yes you are gone but I know you stand beside me ,I feel you. What courage you had facing that awful disease Parkinson's . Not once did you lose faith, courage, or not have encouragement. You stayed positive even until the end. You are also my hero because you served this wonderful country for 25 years. I cannot image all you saw, or how often you had to be brave during war time or the many times you were called away for duty. I miss often, your talks of hope and never giving up.
I hope you all remember the men in your lives on Sunday and honor them in your hearts, for a hero can have small, simple deeds, they can be dads, husbands and Uncles, they can teach us so much. Mine have taught me simple things, faith, hope, love, courage, humility, kindness, humor in the toughest of times. Thus my three men are my favorite hero's.
Happy Father's Day!

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