Sunday, March 16, 2014

What I am Working on for Sunday March 16th 2014

Yes I am still doing some crocheting I just finished this small set of of little coin purse and two small bowls.  One is round and the other is a bit square.  I am using a very small crochet hook, a rayon blend yarn with a cotton blend yarn.  I did a chain stitch to create all three items and did a double stitch, using a decrease and single stitch to shape the little coin purse, make the round little bowl.  On the square bowl I just began crocheting a square and then decreasing a stitch at the top to get the side to stand up and form the bowl.  On the purse I doubled up on the yarn for the outer edging using a cotton blend yarn and the rayon both on my crochet hook.  The final touches the little strap for the purse and a latch to button up the coin purse.  I am now working on some chickens using paper mache' eggs and recycling an oatmeal container into a basket and will share that a little later on.   In April I am going to have a giveaway! and it should be lots of fun!

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