Friday, January 21, 2011

What I am working for Jan 21, 2011 Rag cloth dolls

I got busy this afternoon, I found an old rag doll pattern and decided to use it but I will be making some serious changes to to the dolls as I create them. The pattern is an old McCall's pattern that I am altering somewhat; I just love using a pattern piece from all different patterns just to see how dolls will come out.
I am using a heavy duty fabric for the dolls, and right now I am in the process of staining the fabric, the body fabric is Onsburg but it is heavier and lighter. I will let this set for an hour and then bake the body pieces in my oven at 200 degrees. The stain is a mixture of brown acrylic paint and a some instant coffee about a table spoonful. Once the dolls are dry I will rub cinnamon into the fabric for more aging. I will be taking more photos and posting showing how the dolls are coming along and what/how they will turn out. So I hope you tag along and see how the dolls and cloths come out all this coming week.

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