Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rock Painting, Turning a rock into a Cottage

I love rock hunting so that I can do up these cute cottages; so I go hunting for that special looking rock and bring home.
Then bring the rocks home and give them a good cleaning by using soap, hot water and a good scrub brush.

Acrylic paint and some brushes work great to help create these, also I use a very fine brush for my spider webs.
I just paint an out line on to the rock where I windows, animals, brush and begin filling in the details.
I also use an old ice tray for mixing my colors and a little water. I will go over the rock a few times, because sometimes some colors will just fade into the rock and there are other colors that will not fade.
Then I seal the rocks will a brush on sealer after the rocks dries really well with the paint.
I love doing these because you can find some real interesting rocks and with a little imagination they become a cottage.